School Walk Through

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

The early years of a child is the most receptive time to develop emotional intelligence which is proven to be associated with academic achievement. Recent advances in neuroscience have shown that the brain is far more malleable than we ever knew and Dr. Carol Dweck's discovery of fixed and growth mindsets have shaped our understanding of what makes child learning more effective.

The Infinity School is receptive to the new learning approaches that cultivates emotional well-being in children. We teach pro-social skills such as gratitude, compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and altruism which help students develop positive relationships. We incorporate service learning into their curriculum and are providing opportunities for students to make a worthwhile contribution to society and grow their empathy and compassion for others via social connect projects.

Yoga is taught to calm the minds and ground oneself amidst the daily cacophony of life. It helps build focus and self-control that is much required for dealing with complex problems.